Monday 3 October 2011


Saadhan helpline which provided HIV, AIDS and Family Planning related information and counselling to thousands of callers from India and abroad under the PSI banner during the last 15 years has been successfully transitioned to Mumbai District AIDS Control Society in April 2011. The PSI Helpline counsellors have been absorbed into the MDACS helpline programme. The MDACS Saadhan Helpline officially commenced operations from 2 May, 2011 onwards.

Origin of Saadhan Helpline

PSI initiated a manned HIV/AIDS helpline in 1994 with funding from the MacArthur Foundation at a time when access to information and counselling on HIV-related issues were largely unavailable.

In 2002, under the US AID-funded Operation Lighthouse (OPL) Project, the helpline was relaunched in a new set up with the latest computer software technology and branded “Saadhan” Helpline. Under OPL, the revamped helpline was successfully launched and promoted through the Balbir Pasha campaign - a groundbreaking awareness drive and influential call to action reaching over to two million people across Mumbai.

Support from Mass Media and Development Fraternity

Mass media ensured that the helpline had a sustainable caller inflow. Through innovative mass media - television campaigns, hoardings and newspapers, the helpline helped effectively reach vulnerable populations. In addition, through these campaigns, the helpline successfully counselled at-risk youth, a group that engages in significant high-risk behavior and holds numerous myths and misconceptions since they do not have access to correct information.

The Saadhan Helpline has had significant experience partnering with other organizations with regard to mass media promotion of the helpline. MSACS, AVERT Society, Johns Hopkins University, the Heroes Project and BBC World Service Trust have promoted the helpline through their mass media campaigns, so as to maximize utilization of available high-quality services and to avoid reinventing the wheel. The Heroes Project publicized the helpline number on the Star Television Network across Asia, as well as in some countries in the Middle East (UAE, Kuwait and Oman). In addition to a television campaign, the helpline number was advertised by Johns Hopkins University on billboards, buses and all printed IEC materials.

The Helpline at MDACS

With years of experience in provision of helpline services in India and the Mumbai Saadhan Helpline’s active collaboration in the HIV/AIDS field, Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) showed keen interest for the helpline to be carried forward and received NACO’s approval to integrate the HIV/AIDS Helpline into MDACS.

PSI entered an agreement with MDACS for transfer of Helpline software and hardware instruments (server, EPBX etc) and PSI transitioned the Saadhan helpline to MDACS (022-2411 4000) in April 2011.

There is technical assistance provided to counsellors by those experienced in the field of running an HIV AIDS helpline, training of counsellors and support for regular supervision and case discussions.

The PSI Helpline counsellors have been absorbed into the MDACS helpline programme.

There is a generation of mass media campaigns promoting the helpline all year round and the helpline will be incorporated in all campaigns and IEC materials in Maharashtra.

The MDACS Saadhan Helpline has received more than 250 calls within the first month of operations and the current call rate is up to 400 calls per month. The Saadhan counsellor solves queries of the common man on HIV/AIDS. Counselling is free of cost and confidentiality of the caller is maintained.

Newspaper articles:

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