Wednesday 28 September 2011


Dr. Kudalkar felicitating the Chief Guests

The Finale was graced with the presence of the 'My Friend Pinto' stars - Kalki and Prateik.

They came to support the 'Fight against HIV'. In a meeting with them, they were told that this campaign was organized keeping the youth in mind. Safe Sex Practices and Use of Condoms is a must among the youth to stay safe and protected from infections, especially HIV

Kalki Koechlin
Kalki, very boldly told the youth:

“It is very important to keep yourself safe. We are so happy to see that organizations such as MDACS are working so hard to spread awareness and ensuring that youth is safe. So please stay protected and use condoms”

They were also briefed about the excellent work done by the RED RIBBON CLUBs of MDACS. The two actors were quite impressed with the students who were doing such a great job. That’s when Kalki and Prateik volunteered to become members of the Red Ribbon Club.


Here's how it happened:

   • Kalki and Prateik were appointed RRC member
   • Dr. Kudalkar, Project Director, MDACS led Kalki and Prateik on stage.
   • Dr. Kudalkar thanked them for being a part of the IYD campaign and encouraging the youth
   • Kalki and Prateik offered their wishes to MDACS and the youth
   • Dr. Kudalkar was requested to appoint Kalki and Prateik as RRC members
   • Kalki and Prateik were given RRC ID cards
   • Dr. Kudalkar RRC handed over certificates stating that they were RRC members

RRC award

College students who are members of the NSS (National Service Scheme) do community service throughout the year. Those who are interested join Red Ribbon Clubs (RRCs) and help spread awareness of HIV/AIDS among their peers and also in the community they live in.

MDACS gives them all an agenda for conducting activities throughout the year that they execute in their respective colleges and community. The ones who excel in their service are given awards by MDACS.

This year, the awards were given away by actors Kalki Koechlin and Prateik.

Award Ceremony:

The awards were distributed under the following categories to those mentioned under them.

Prateik and Kalki distributed Awards
Best Students Leader

Mumbai City: Amar Jadhav, Siddharth College
Western Suburb: Mohini Bhavsar, Ghanshyamdas Saraf College
Central Suburb: Prithviraj Chauhan, Acharya College

Best Peer Educator

Mumbai City: Aishwarya Menon, KC College
Western Suburb: Priya Kanakia, Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management
Central Suburb: Priyanka Zanje, Acharya College

Best RRC

Mumbai City: Ambedkar  College, Wadala
Western Suburb: Thakur College of Science & Commerce
Central Suburb: Acharya College

Prateik and Kalki did the honours along with Project Director, Dr.S.S. Kudalkar. The students were thrilled to receive the awards from the stars.

Kalki & Prateik become RRC Members
Kalki and Prateik swear in as RRC members

After the awards were distributed, the winners came back on stage to be part of the swearing-in ceremony where Kalki and Prateik took their oaths as RRCs members and promised to do service to the public in spreading awareness of HIV/AIDS. And that’s how both the stars became RRC members, much to everyone’s delight.

It was an ecstatic moment for the winners as they were the chosen ones who recited the oath while Kalki and Prateik followed them.


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