Tuesday 26 July 2011



Red Ribbon Clubs are youth groups at colleges who work for spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS among the youth. Since youth is a vulnerable population it becomes essential to communicate with them. Red Ribbon Clubs (RRCs), which work under the guidance and leadership of the Communication Department of MDACS, enable us to reach the objective of communicating to the youth.

The Structure

These clubs are formed with the help of professors in colleges who support social work. These professors are called 'Program Officers'

Further, there are students who volunteer to run the awareness program. They are called the 'Peer Educators' as they influence and educate their peers. It is the Peer Educators’ responsibility to conduct awareness drives and get more students to join the club. Those who join the club are called 'Red Ribbon Club Members'.

Since the professors and the students spread awareness about HIV and bring answers to various queries of the students, it becomes essential to conduct intensive 2-day training programs for them so that they are able to convey the right information.

The role of a Professor in a student’s life:

A Professor is not just a teacher of a particular subject. He is also one who guides the students in many different ways. At school, the equation between a teacher and student is one between people of two different generations. But at college, the professor kind of becomes like an elder brother, sister or friend and someone the students can look up to in times of need. Because of this relationship, the students are more open to listening to their professors than anyone else.

This is the very reason why MDACS decided to bring Professors into the equation and trained them to impart the right knowledge to their students on HIV/AIDS and safe sex.

The professors were trained in 2 ways.

NSS Professors Training - Venue: NSS Office, Churchgate


1. HIV and AIDS
2. Scenario of HIV in our country
3. Causes
4. Prevention and Treatment
5. Youth Vulnerability
6. Communication with the Youth
7. Behavioral Change Communication
8. Stigma and Discrimination
9. RRC Guidelines

Sensitization Workshop for NSS Program Officers was held on 27th June, 2011 & 170 Professors participated. These Professors will be program officers for RRC at colleges.

Training of Trainers - NSS Program Officers

Over and above the annual training of the professors, there were some professors who expressed an interest of being trainers. They were enthusiastic about taking time out and train those who are in need and have to be trained about HIV. On their request, we specifically conducted a TOT (training of trainers) for the professors.

Training of Trainers for Professors was organized from 25th to 27th May, 2011 where 19 professors were trained.

Day 1:

The first day was fully about information on HIV. All that students need to know about HIV was taught to the professors as knowledge is the best way to fight the spread of any disease.

Day 2:

On the second day, the Professors got to learn the target groups and how to go about helping them. They were also given information on the various services made available by NGOs and other institutions to help fight the spread of HIV.

Day 3:

The third day was an intense training on communication. The professors were taught how to approach youth, talk to them, the ways and means to train them and more importantly, being prepared to answer their very many queries. The professors were especially made aware of the biggest challenge that they would be facing - to influence the youth in such a way as to effectively change their very attitude towards HIV and safe sex. The professors were made aware of their responsibility to ensure that everyone needed to unlearn so many myths and wrong beliefs and be taught the correct information.

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