Saturday 2 July 2011



Red Ribbon Clubs are youth groups at colleges who work for spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS among the youth. Since youth is a vulnerable population it becomes essential to communicate with them. Red Ribbon Clubs (RRCs), which work under the guidance and leadership of the Communication Department of MDACS, enable us to reach the objective of communicating to the youth.

The Structure

These clubs are formed with the help of professors in colleges who support social work. These professors are called 'Program Officers'

Further, there are students who volunteer to run the awareness program. They are called the 'Peer Educators' as they influence and educate their peers. It is the Peer Educators’ responsibility to conduct awareness drives and get more students to join the club. Those who join the club are called 'Red Ribbon Club Members'.

Since the professors and the students spread awareness about HIV and bring answers to various queries of the students, it becomes essential to conduct intensive 2-day training programs for them so that they are able to convey the right information.

Mumbai (MDACS) has formed RRCs in different categories of colleges:

1. NSS Colleges
2. Engineering Colleges
3. Science, Arts, Commerce Colleges
4. Pharmacy Colleges
5. Nursing Colleges
6. Colleges through NGOs who are experts in working with youth and adolescents

The Training for the Peer Educators is conducted in phases.

They are trained on HIV and on Communication aspects so that they are equipped to carry information to their peers and friends and further into the community.

The Training Plan for Phase I - NSS colleges is as below:

NSS Colleges were divided into 11 batches and the 2-day training for given for every batch. Below is the list of dates on which each batch was trained.

BATCH NO.1 – July 4 & 5, 2011
BATCH NO. 2 – July 6 & 7, 2011
BATCH NO. 3 – July 11 & 12, 2011
BATCH NO. 4 – July 14 & 15, 2011
BATCH NO. 5 – July 16 & 17, 2011
BATCH NO. 6 – July 18 & 19, 2011
BATCH NO. 7 – July 20 & 21, 2011
BATCH NO. 8 – July 22 & 23, 2011
BATCH NO. 9 – July 25 & 26, 2011
BATCH NO. 10 – July 27 & 28, 2011
BATCH NO. 11 – July 29 & 30, 2011

The Agenda that the RRCs have to follow for the year is as follows:


1. Training provided by MDACS – Annex 1

2. RRC Committee – Annex 2

The RRC Committee will have the following members:

Chairperson: Principal/ Head of the Institute.
Joint Secretary: Female Teacher
Joint Secretary: Male Teacher
Local Doctor
Convener: NSS Program Officer (PO)
Joint Convener: Student Leader and Peer Educators (5)

Target responsibility of the committee

To form core committee of above 10 members
To form associate committee of 30 NSS students (who are responsible to conduct all activities)
To get membership of 500 students per RRC in your college (both NSS and Non NSS)

Responsibilities of the Committee

To meet thrice a year
1st meeting in July (after MDACS PO Workshop)
     •  PO will explain Objective of RRC
             •  PO will discuss calendar of activities
             •  PO will discuss rewards and recognition of members
             •  Finance utilization and submission of SOE to MDACS
             •  Discuss target given by MDACS

2nd meeting in November
             •  Report (as per format provided by MDACS) of 1st half of activities and photographs along with SOE

3rd meeting in February
             •  Report (as per format provided by MDACS) of 2nd half of activities and photographs along with SOE

3. RRC Calendar – Annex 3

4. Guideline for conducting activities (Annex 4)

5. Utilization of finances (Annex 5)

Every college was to be given Rs. 8900/- for conducting activities. The money was released in June.

The amount was utilized for:

Snacks in meetings
Gifts & Bouquet for Guests
Documentation and printouts
Certificates to winners of competition
Honorarium to resource persons who conduct workshops / Judges

Rewards and Recognition Program (Prizes):

Prize 1: Best RRC of the year

1. No. of RRC members in your college: 500 members
2. Regular activities strictly as per calendar
3. Reports and photos of activities
4. Timely submission of SOE
5. Addl. / special initiative by RRC members

Prize 2: Best Student Leader of the year

1. Participation in arranging each & every RRC activity
2. Addl. / special initiative by Student Leader
3. Active Participation in MDACS activities
4. No. of activities conducted
5. No. of members involved in activities
6. Timely submission of SOE & Reports

Prize 3: Best Peer Educator of the year

1. Participation in arranging each & every RRC activity
2. Addl. / special initiative by RRC Peer Educator
3. Active Participation in MDACS activities
4. No. of activities conducted
5. No. of members involved in activities

The above 3 awards were announced separately for all 3 zones of NSS:
1. Mumbai City
2. Mumbai Central Suburb
3. Mumbai Western Suburb

Next Steps:

All the RRC Peer Educators will be trained in a 2-day training program at MDACS premises in a phase-wise manner.

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