Saturday 25 February 2012


With a new brand name, identity, logo and brand rituals, Shakti Clinic was revamped internally. However the Shakti make-over had to reach the user. Hence a strategic communication campaign was launched togenerate specific outcome of informing large number of people in the city about the new Shakti Clinic – HIV/AIDS Salah Kendra and its key features in a specified period of time, so as to remove the fear of testing amongst the TG and increase the recognition, recall and response amongst all.

The Communication followed the AIDA model of marketing. First, bring about awareness among potential users, then generate interest and instill a desire in them to try out the service and finally coax them to take action and visit the center.

Phase 1 of the campaign was launched in March 2012. The primary objective of Phase 1 was to create awareness among the target audience about Shakti Clinic. No one knew what it was, so the job at hand was to tell them what it is and do just that – focused approach.


Internal communication revolved around three main stakeholders as shown in the image above


The most important location where communication had to impact was the Shakti Clinic, the place where the service is offered.Each of the Shakti Clinics was revamped with a new identity complete with the following branding elements:

Branding Rituals within the Shakti Clinic radiating to all 3 senses

i. Sense of Sight: Motivational and PLHA testimonial posters, Shakti coats for counselors, writing material branded with Shakti logo and messages and Map with Shakti clinic locations across the city.

ii. Sense of Sound:  An inspirational music CD will be played within the confines of the clinic to leave a soothing impact on the user.

iii. Sense of Smell: In order to do away with the typical clinical hospital smell, a zestful lemon air freshener will be used in the clinic sprucing up the atmosphere.

Apart from branding the Shakti Clinic in terms of its look, feel, design and cultivating a Shakti experience, peripheral stakeholders like Hospitals and NGO’s were also oriented to Brand Shakti. Majority of referrals to ICTC come from these 2 stakeholders hence they needed to know about the new brand and its features in order to inform the potential users and persuade them to visit the center.

2. HOSPITALS                                  

Signages at each of the following points were displayed at hospitals to inform the user about key messages of ‘free service’, ‘no case papers’ and directions to ‘Shakti clinic’.


A majority of people get referred to the ICTC from the hospital OPD’s itself, hence it is critical for the internal staff of the hospitals to know exactly where this center is located for them to guide the user. Image (above) is a directional signage with a specific ward number that was displayed at key locations within the hospitals to inform hospital staff as well as direct users.

Map citing locations of 100 ICTCs across the city of Mumbai was put up in every hospital.

3. NGO

Every NGO was oriented to Brand Shakti – what it stands for --- what is aims to provide. Two materials were given to each NGO:

A Shakti Clinic – Salah Kendra Poster to be displayed in their NGO premises

A laminated Shakti Sheet (as shown in image below) which the NGO Outreach Workers will carry along when they go out on field. This sheet not only introduces brand Shakti to potential users but will also guide them with locations of Shakti clinics across the city as shown on the back page of the image below.

MDACS used a multipronged approach for its external communication. This strategy was planned and implemented in a series of bursts through different media including mass media, transportation channels as media and on-ground activities. Strategic PR was implemented simultaneously.

This multi-phased approach ensured that Brand Shakti reaches out to audience from every nook and corner of this city.


Radio is a key mass media channel that is accessed by majority in this city especially during travel hours in the morning and evening. This medium cuts across different groups of people.
Using this element to advantage all radio based communication highlighted 3 important messages of Shakti –

‘Free Service’
‘100 Shakti Clinics in the city which means that there is one in the neighbourhood making it convenient for user to visit the center’

Radio communication was implemented in 3 phases over a period of one month:

Newspaper communication was launched simultaneously along with the radio activity. Top dailies in 3 languages; Hindi, Marathi and English were selected.

Given below are the creative for Newspaper Advertisements in Hindi & Marathi papers

Newspaper activity had 3 bursts of Shakti Communication:

Shakti Clinic – HIV/AIDS Salah Kendra Hoardings will be displayed in every hospital premise, featuring key messages of ‘free and confidential’ service.


Mumbai has one of the most accessible and wide networks of transport that carry millions of its residents daily from one destination to another. Trains, buses, auto rickshaws and taxis together form an almost indispensible network that is the lifeline of this city.

The backbone of the city's transport, the Mumbai Suburban Railway, is composed of three rail networks and runs along the length of the city. The system is among the largest in the world. In terms of traffic, the Western and Central Rail system carry an estimated 6m people everyday. Anywhere you go you will spot bus stands, auto rickshaws and taxis making it convenient to travel in this city.

Formative research study highlighted that majority of respondents were exposed to advertising media while travelling. Qualitative interviews showed that people use public transport on a daily basis and were constantly exposed to and recalled messages displayed on these vehicles.

The External Communication Campaign of Shakti capitalized on this already existing network and spread the word out through these transportation mediums. Stakeholders including Railway officials, Taxi & auto rickshaw unions and ST bus officials joined the Shakti Campaign and allowed for communication materials to be prominently displayed on their vehicles.

Railway stations in Mumbai attract the maximum crowd every day. Hence ‘Shakti Clinic’ Posters (image to left) were displayed prominently at the ticket booking counters.

These posters feature name and location of clinics around that particular railways station area making it convenient for the potential user to visit the clinic.

After trains, Auto rickshaws and Taxis are the most widely used modes of transport.

Shakti Clinic stickers were displayed inside the vehicle (as is shown in the image on the left) informing the reader about the new brand and key messages of free service.
Auto/taxis were given branded rate cards with Shakti Clinic’s address.
Shakti Clinic Posters have been displayed at ST Bus Depots as well.


1. Shakti Clinic board on gates of housing societies

6000 housing societies around the 100Shakti centersin the city were approached and requested to display the ‘Shakti Clinic’ tin board on their building gates. The gate is a prominent point of contact for residents almost on a daily basis, increasing the visibility of Shakti and influencing the recall as well.

2. ‘Loo’ Stickers

Yet another innovative medium for communication, Public & Slum toilets were identified and a small sticker of Shakti branding was spaced inside..This was a static branding effort placed to grab attention of our Target Audience.

3. Street Plays

200 street plays were conducted across railway stations of the city informing people about Shakti Clinic. Each street play mobilized a crowd of 50-80 people with a mixed audience of male and females.

Using HIV Testing as a theme for the plays, actors introduced Shakti Clinic and conveyed key messages like:

‘Free Service’
‘Shakti clinic is at the hospital near you’.

Actors displayed Shakti Clinic board to the audience and passersby and announced the names of the nearby hospitals that housed the Shakti Clinic.


MDACS executed Shakti Press Campaign in four phases (as shown in image above). Press/Media officials were oriented to Brand Shakti and briefed about the process in which press releases would be implemented according to the 4 phases.

Phase 1 launches Shakti clinic. Press releases in this phase gave the reader a background to the ICTC’s in the city and recent statistics that validate the revamped look of the clinic. It also informed the reader about the vast network of 100 Shakti Clinics in the city of Mumbai.

This initial phase will also introduce the new logo to the masses. The key objective is to convince the reporters to carry logo that will ensure association of the service and the symbol of empowerment.

Phase 2 described the Shakti experience. It takes the reader right from the gate entry point of the hospital to the actual center and initiates them to the brand rituals practiced at the Shakti clinic. The reporters cover the experience of how the service is purely client centric. In this phase, reporters also visited Shakti Clinics and reported Shakti experience to the readers.

Phase 3 carried stories of the stakeholders and the entire campaign implementationincluding all the vehicles of communication

Finally Phase 4 features stories and case studies of key persons in this process including service providers, clients of Shakti, policy makers and PLHA.

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