Monday 9 January 2012

Report: Monitoring RRCs in Colleges

Poster created during the competition

This monitoring was conducted from November 4 to 14, 2011 at the following colleges

1. Jai Hind College
2. Ruia College
3. SIES College for Commerce & Economics
4. KJ Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce
5. KJ Somaiya College of Science
6. SK Somaiya College
7. Dhahanukar College
8. Sathaye College
9. MD College
10. Chetna College
11. MMK College
12. Sophia College
13. NM College
14. Bhaudas Vartak College
15. Bhavan’s College

Many events were conducted at these colleges to increase knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS and also to make sure that the students knew enough to increase and spread awareness amongst their peers.
Seminar on HIV/AIDS


1. Friendship Day
2. International Youth Day
a.    College Event
b.   Community Event
3. Seminar on HIV/AIDS & Services
4. Seminar on Stigma & Discrimination
5. ICTC/Blood Bank Visit
6. Competitions


Friendship Day
A workshop was conducted in each college. The students were impressed with the technical knowledge that they acquired about HIV/AIDS. The condom demo that was conducted helped them relate to the concept comfortably. It helped normalize their perceptions regarding condoms.

The workshop helped clear a number of misconceptions among the students and also brought along key information to those present. The workshop helped the RRC members deal much better with queries from the students.


A membership drive was promoted at all the colleges bringing together a number of students who were keen on being a part of the RRC.


IEC Material on display
The RRC members conducted Street Plays to bring awareness to the public. They also held competitions that brought about more awareness amongst the youth. IEC materials were displayed at prominent areas in the colleges carrying important messages regarding condom use and other precautions to be followed to prevent HIV/AIDS.

RRCs displayed the Condom Cutouts given to the colleges and many of the students enthusiastically took pictures along with the cutout and posted their pictures on facebook Condom Mera Dost page, increasing awareness virally.

Students in a procession on IYD
Many posters were created during the poster competition and these were displayed for everyone to see bringing forth more messages and the visual appeal made sure that everyone understood the messages correctly.


Students insist that RRC has made it comfortable to discuss issues like HIV/AIDS.
Students are motivated to take awareness campaign out of college in the larger society.
Students say that RRC gave them an opportunity to network among youth their age and discuss HIV comfortably.
RRC in the college has helped to sensitize and educate students
The students felt that the RRC events were effective; they could see a change in awareness levels among students. And the fear of HIV/AIDS was reduced as students come and ask questions and take active part in RRC activities.
RRC has helped to increase technical knowledge about HIV/AIDS among students
Through RRC, there has been a change in students – ‘more knowledge & less stigmatization’.


Reaching to Children of FSW – RRC of JAI HIND COLLEGE

RRC students from Jai Hind College have been organizing a 1 day excursion for children of Female Sex Workers on World AIDS Day. This event is slowly becoming a tradition with the RRC team planning this trip again this year.

RRC team of Jai Hind feels that apart from the agenda given by MDACS, they need to conduct activities and reach out to target groups in the community. When planning this excursion, they first identify an NGO who has networks with the FSW community and after meeting the children, they plan a day long excursion in the city of Mumbai.

Poster Competition
Children are taken in a bus along with RRC volunteers to various spots in the city, games are conducted for them and finally the entire troupe enjoys a meal together. This effort is a positive sign of mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS with the youth of Jai Hind setting a big example for the other RRCs to follow.

Reaching out to Youth of other colleges in Mumbai – RRC of SOPHIA COLLEGE

RRC of Sophia College conducted the following 2 HIV/AIDS awareness activities in their intercollegiate event:

Street Play
1. Game Stall: At a stall put up, a game regarding HIV/AIDS awareness was played , and participants were offered prizes for getting the answers right. Through this activity, they were able to reach people from different colleges as well. Their professors also actively participated in this activity. Around 300 people took part in this event.
2. Volunteers made paper bags with information about AIDS and MDACS on them. These bags were then given to kiranas and other shops.

RRC also distributed questionnaires to the first year senior college students to assess their knowledge about HIV/AIDS. They found that their knowledge levels were quite good.

They have an AIDS awareness program for students from junior college every year, which is attended by around 600 students. They also come out with a newsletter that publishes informative articles and stories about HIV/AIDS.

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